// ------------------------------------------------------------
// assets
// ------------------------------------------------------------
const ASSETS = {
TAR: ['#959298', '#9c9a9d'],
RUMBLE: ['#959298', '#f5f2f6'],
GRASS: ['#eedccd', '#e6d4c5']
src: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/tree.png',/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
width: 132,
height: 192
src: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/hero.png',
width: 110,
height: 56
CAR: {
src: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/car04.png',/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
width: 50,
height: 36
src: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/finish.png',
width: 339,
height: 180,
offset: -.5
SKY: {
src: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/cloud.jpg'
theme: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/theme.mp3',/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
engine: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/engine.wav',
honk: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/honk.wav',
beep: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/155629/beep.wav'
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// helper functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------
Number.prototype.pad = function(numZeros, char = 0) {
let n = Math.abs(this)
let zeros = Math.max(0, numZeros - Math.floor(n).toString().length )/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
let zeroString = Math.pow(10, zeros).toString().substr(1).replace(0, char)
return zeroString + n
Number.prototype.clamp = function(min, max) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(this, max))
const timestamp = _ => new Date().getTime()
const accelerate = (v, accel, dt) => v + (accel * dt)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
const isCollide = (x1,w1,x2,w2) => (x1 - x2) ** 2 <= (w2 + w1) ** 2
function getRand(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min | 0;
function randomProperty(obj) {
let keys = Object.keys(obj)
return obj[keys[ keys.length * Math.random() << 0]]/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
function drawQuad(element, layer, color, x1, y1, w1, x2, y2, w2) {
element.style.zIndex = layer
element.style.background = color
element.style.top = y2 + `px`
element.style.left = x1 - w1 / 2 - w1 + `px`
element.style.width = w1 * 3 + `px`
element.style.height = y1 - y2 + `px`
let leftOffset = w1 + x2 - x1 + Math.abs(w2/2 - w1/2)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
element.style.clipPath = `polygon(${leftOffset}px 0, ${leftOffset + w2}px 0, 66.66% 100%, 33.33% 100%)`
const KEYS = {}
const keyUpdate = e => {
KEYS[e.code] = e.type === `keydown`
addEventListener(`keydown`, keyUpdate)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
addEventListener(`keyup`, keyUpdate)
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(_ => resolve(), ms)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// objects
// ------------------------------------------------------------
class Line {
constructor() {
this.x = 0
this.y = 0
this.z = 0
this.X = 0
this.Y = 0
this.W = 0
this.curve = 0
this.scale = 0
this.elements = []
this.special = null
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
project(camX, camY, camZ) {
this.scale = camD / (this.z - camZ)
this.X = (1 + this.scale * (this.x - camX)) * halfWidth
this.Y = Math.ceil( (1 - this.scale * (this.y - camY)) * height / 2 )/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
this.W = this.scale * roadW * halfWidth
clearSprites() {
for(let e of this.elements) e.style.background = 'transparent'
drawSprite(depth, layer, sprite, offset) {
let destX = this.X + this.scale * halfWidth * offset/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
let destY = this.Y + 4
let destW = sprite.width * this.W / 265
let destH = sprite.height * this.W / 265
destX += destW * offset
destY += destH * -1
let obj = (layer instanceof Element) ? layer : this.elements[layer + 6]/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`
obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`
obj.style.left = destX + `px`
obj.style.top = destY + `px`
obj.style.width = destW + `px`
obj.style.height = destH + `px`
obj.style.zIndex = depth
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
class Car {
constructor(pos, type, lane) {
this.pos = pos
this.type = type
this.lane = lane
var element = document.createElement('div')
this.element = element
class Audio {
constructor() {
this.audioCtx = new AudioContext()/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// volume
this.destination = this.audioCtx.createGain()
this.volume = 1
this.destination.connect( this.audioCtx.destination )
this.files = {}
let _self = this
this.load(ASSETS.AUDIO.theme, 'theme', function(key) {
let source = _self.audioCtx.createBufferSource()/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
source.buffer = _self.files[key]
let gainNode = _self.audioCtx.createGain()
gainNode.gain.value = .6
source.loop = true
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
get volume() {
return this.destination.gain.value
set volume(level) {
this.destination.gain.value = level
play(key, pitch) {
if (this.files[key]) {
let source = this.audioCtx.createBufferSource()/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
source.buffer = this.files[key]
if(pitch) source.detune.value = pitch
} else this.load(key, () => this.play(key))/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
load(src, key, callback) {
let _self = this
let request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open('GET', src, true)
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
request.onload = function() {
_self.audioCtx.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(beatportBuffer) {
_self.files[key] = beatportBuffer
}, function() {})
}/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// global varriables
// ------------------------------------------------------------
const highscores = []
const width = 800
const halfWidth = width / 2
const height = 500
const roadW = 4000
const segL = 200
const camD = 0.2
const H = 1500
const N = 70
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
const maxSpeed = 200
const accel = 38
const breaking = -80
const decel = -40
const maxOffSpeed = 40
const offDecel = -70
const enemy_speed = 8
const hitSpeed = 20
const LANE = {
A: -2.3,
B: -.5,
C: 1.2
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
const mapLength = 15000
// loop
let then = timestamp()
const targetFrameRate = 1000 / 25 // in ms
let audio
// game
let inGame, start, playerX, speed, scoreVal, pos, cloudOffset, sectionProg, mapIndex, countDown
let lines = []
let cars = []
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// map
// ------------------------------------------------------------
function getFun(val) {
return i => val
function genMap() {
let map = []
for(var i = 0; i < mapLength; i += getRand(0, 50)) {
let section = {
from: i,
to: (i = i + getRand(300, 600))
let randHeight = getRand(-5, 5)
let randCurve = getRand(5, 30) * ((Math.random() >= .5) ? 1 : -1)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
let randInterval = getRand(20, 40)
if(Math.random() > .9) Object.assign(section, {curve: _ => randCurve, height: _ => randHeight})
else if(Math.random() > .8) Object.assign(section, {curve: _ => 0, height: i => Math.sin(i/randInterval)*1000})
else if(Math.random() > .8) Object.assign(section, {curve: _ => 0, height: _ => randHeight})
else Object.assign(section, {curve: _ => randCurve, height: _ => 0})/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
map.push({from: i, to: i + N, curve: _ => 0, height: _ => 0, special: ASSETS.IMAGE.FINISH})
map.push({from: Infinity})
return map
let map = genMap()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// additional controls
// ------------------------------------------------------------/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
addEventListener(`keyup`, function(e){
if(e.code === 'KeyM') {
audio.volume = (audio.volume === 0) ? 1 : 0
if(e.code === 'KeyC') {
if(inGame) return
sleep(0).then(_ => {
text.classList.remove('blink')/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
text.innerText = 3
return sleep(1000)
}).then(_ => {
text.innerText = 2
return sleep(1000)
}).then(_ => {
home.style.display = 'none'
road.style.opacity = 1
hero.style.display = 'block'
hud.style.display = 'block'
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
audio.play('beep', 500)
inGame = true
if(e.code === 'Escape') {
// ------------------------------------------------------------/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// game loop
// ------------------------------------------------------------
function update(step) {
// prepare this iteration
pos += speed
while (pos >= N * segL) pos -= N * segL
while (pos < 0) pos += N * segL
var startPos = (pos / segL) | 0
let endPos = (startPos + N - 1) % N
scoreVal += speed*step
countDown -= step
// left / right position/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
playerX -= lines[startPos].curve / 5000 * step * speed
if(KEYS.ArrowRight) hero.style.backgroundPosition = '-220px 0', playerX+=.007*step*speed
else if(KEYS.ArrowLeft) hero.style.backgroundPosition = '0 0', playerX-=.007*step*speed
else hero.style.backgroundPosition = '-110px 0'
playerX = playerX.clamp(-3, 3)
// speed
if(inGame && KEYS.ArrowUp) speed = accelerate(speed, accel, step)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
else if(KEYS.ArrowDown) speed = accelerate(speed, breaking, step)
else speed = accelerate(speed, decel, step)
if(Math.abs(playerX) > 0.55 && speed >= maxOffSpeed) {
speed = accelerate(speed, offDecel, step)
speed = speed.clamp(0, maxSpeed)
// update map
let current = map[mapIndex] /*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
let use = current.from < scoreVal && current.to > scoreVal
if(use) sectionProg += speed*step
lines[endPos].curve = use ? current.curve(sectionProg) : 0
lines[endPos].y = use ? current.height(sectionProg) : 0
lines[endPos].special = null
if(current.to <= scoreVal) {
sectionProg = 0
lines[endPos].special = map[mapIndex].special
} /*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// win / lose + UI
if(!inGame) {
speed = accelerate(speed, breaking, step)
speed = speed.clamp(0, maxSpeed)
} else if(countDown <= 0 || lines[startPos].special) {
tacho.style.display = 'none'
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
home.style.display = 'block'
road.style.opacity = .4
text.innerText = 'INSERT COIN'
highscores.push(lap.innerText) /*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
inGame = false
} else {
time.innerText = (countDown|0).pad(3)
score.innerText = (scoreVal|0).pad(8)
tacho.innerText = speed | 0
let cT = new Date(timestamp() - start)
lap.innerText = `${cT.getMinutes()}'${cT.getSeconds().pad(2)}"${cT.getMilliseconds().pad(3)}`/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// sound
if(speed > 0) audio.play('engine', speed * 4)
// draw cloud
cloud.style.backgroundPosition = `${ (cloudOffset -= lines[startPos].curve * step * speed * .13) | 0}px 0`
// other cars
for(let car of cars) {
car.pos = (car.pos + enemy_speed * step) % N
// respawn
if( (car.pos|0) === endPos) {
if(speed < 30) car.pos = startPos
else car.pos = endPos - 2
car.lane = randomProperty(LANE)
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// collision
const offsetRatio = 5
if((car.pos|0) === startPos && isCollide(playerX * offsetRatio + LANE.B, .5, car.lane, .5)) {
speed = Math.min(hitSpeed, speed)
if(inGame) audio.play('honk')
// draw road
let maxy = height
let camH = H + lines[startPos].y
let x = 0
let dx = 0
for (let n = startPos; n < startPos + N; n++) {
let l = lines[n % N]
let level = N * 2 - n
// update view
l.project(playerX * roadW - x, camH, startPos * segL - (n >= N ? N * segL : 0))/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
x += dx
dx += l.curve
// clear assets
// first draw section assets
if(n % 10 === 0) l.drawSprite(level, 0, ASSETS.IMAGE.TREE, -2)
if((n + 5) % 10 === 0) l.drawSprite(level, 0, ASSETS.IMAGE.TREE, 1.3)
if(l.special) l.drawSprite(level, 0, l.special, l.special.offset||0)
for(let car of cars) if((car.pos|0) === n % N) l.drawSprite(level, car.element, car.type, car.lane)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// update road
if (l.Y >= maxy ) continue
maxy = l.Y
let even = ((n / 2) | 0) % 2
let grass = ASSETS.COLOR.GRASS[even * 1]
let rumble = ASSETS.COLOR.RUMBLE[even * 1]
let tar = ASSETS.COLOR.TAR[even * 1]
let p = lines[(n - 1) % N]
drawQuad(l.elements[0], level, grass, width / 4, p.Y, halfWidth + 2, width / 4, l.Y, halfWidth)
drawQuad(l.elements[1], level, grass, width / 4 * 3, p.Y, halfWidth + 2, width / 4 * 3, l.Y, halfWidth)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
drawQuad(l.elements[2], level, rumble, p.X, p.Y, p.W * 1.15, l.X, l.Y, l.W * 1.15)
drawQuad(l.elements[3], level, tar, p.X,p.Y, p.W, l.X, l.Y, l.W)
if(!even) {
drawQuad(l.elements[4], level, ASSETS.COLOR.RUMBLE[1], p.X, p.Y, p.W * .4, l.X, l.Y, l.W * .4)
drawQuad(l.elements[5], level, tar, p.X, p.Y, p.W * .35, l.X, l.Y, l.W * .35)
// ------------------------------------------------------------/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
// init
// ------------------------------------------------------------
function reset() {
inGame = false
start = timestamp()
countDown = map[map.length - 2].to / 130 + 10
playerX = 0
speed = 0
scoreVal = 0
pos = 0
cloudOffset = 0
sectionProg = 0
mapIndex = 0
for(let line of lines) line.curve = line.y = 0
text.innerText = 'INSERT COIN'
road.style.opacity = .4
hud.style.display = 'none'
home.style.display = 'block'
tacho.style.display = 'block'
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
function updateHighscore() {
let hN = Math.min(12, highscores.length)
for(let i = 0; i < hN; i++) {
highscore.children[i].innerHTML = `${(i+1).pad(2, ' ')}. ${highscores[i]}`
function init() {
game.style.width = width + 'px'
game.style.height = height + 'px'
/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
hero.style.top = height - 80 + 'px'
hero.style.left = halfWidth - ASSETS.IMAGE.HERO.width / 2 + 'px'
hero.style.background = `url(${ASSETS.IMAGE.HERO.src})`
hero.style.width = `${ASSETS.IMAGE.HERO.width}px`
hero.style.height = `${ASSETS.IMAGE.HERO.height}px`
cloud.style.backgroundImage = `url(${ASSETS.IMAGE.SKY.src})`
audio = new Audio
Object.keys(ASSETS.AUDIO).forEach(key => audio.load(ASSETS.AUDIO[key], key, _=>0))/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
cars.push(new Car(0, ASSETS.IMAGE.CAR, LANE.C))
cars.push(new Car(10, ASSETS.IMAGE.CAR, LANE.B))
cars.push(new Car(20, ASSETS.IMAGE.CAR, LANE.C))
cars.push(new Car(35, ASSETS.IMAGE.CAR, LANE.C))
cars.push(new Car(50, ASSETS.IMAGE.CAR, LANE.A))
cars.push(new Car(60, ASSETS.IMAGE.CAR, LANE.B))
cars.push(new Car(70, ASSETS.IMAGE.CAR, LANE.A))
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
var line = new Line
line.z = i * segL + 270
for (let j = 0; j < 6 + 2; j++) {
var element = document.createElement('div')/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
for(let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var element = document.createElement('p')
;(function loop(){
requestAnimationFrame(loop)/*obj.style.background = `url('${sprite.src}') no-repeat`obj.style.backgroundSize = `${destW}px ${destH}px`obj.style.left = destX + `px`obj.style.top = destY + `px`obj.style.width = destW + `px`obj.style.height = destH + `px`obj.style.zIndex = depth*/
let now = timestamp()
let delta = now - then
if (delta > targetFrameRate) {
then = now - (delta % targetFrameRate)
update(delta / 1000)